Job, Service, Duty & Career; Quantum Spin Wave Session - mp3

Job, Service, Duty & Career; Quantum Spin Wave Session - mp3


Quantum Spin Wave Session for Job & Career

This Quantum Spin Wave Session delves into the significant impact of spending over 30 hours a week on career-related activities. It addresses the various aspects of jobs, careers, duties, tasks, and the energies that may become trapped within these spheres of life. This session not only explores your personal involvement in different roles throughout your existence but also considers the relationships with your colleagues. By focusing on job-related elements, it aims to release bound energies that may be constraining your current reality.

  • This powerful process effectively clears the most impactful energies surrounding experiences of Job/Career/Duty/Task/Service. within the quantum realm.

  • It works to neutralize both positive and negative charges that can influence physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual outcomes related to aspects of Job/Career/Duty/Task/Service. across all timelines.

  • Additionally, it identifies and nullifies key events from different timelines that contribute to significant patterns associated with Job/Career/Duty/Task/Service.

*Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while receiving this session. 

Quantum Spin Wave:

  • Focuses on addressing prevalent elements that often harbor significant amounts of trapped energies within your being and physical body.

  • It works to untangle recurring threads that weave through the entirety of your timeline.

  • By accessing brain systems and inducing specific brainwave states, it facilitates the elimination of associative and dissociative memories.

  • It establishes a platform for Immortal Face & Body Lifts to function at heightened levels, enhancing their efficacy.

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Quantum Spin Wave FAQs

Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!

After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!

Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!


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