Truth Generator & Amplifier - mp3 - Face Lift Activator

Truth Generator & Amplifier - mp3 - Face Lift Activator


Raw And Unfiltered Truth

As a Generator & Amplifier this Immortal Face Lift is based of a series of field which a coded to operate in certain manners.  The sole operator of this  generator and Amplifier is Truth.  To clarify- Truth in this activation is not determined by bias, interpretation, consent, manipulation or suppression.  Truth is raw, wild, independent, and the in-your-face veracity of cosmic law.

The Truth Generator & Amplifier broadcasts conditions which allows for truth to prosper throughout your reality.  It also impacts all existence within the generated fields of the activation.  This means that by receiving an activation of the Truth G&A, you will naturally generate impacts by opening the floodgates of truth as an influence upon your reality, those within it and your self.

This is an Immortal Generator and Amplifier that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • Increased perceptions of truth

  • Eliminating systemic manipulation of facts based upon partial truths

  • Removing facial charges related to non-joy rooted in lies and not knowing

  • Reduction of cognitive dissonance

  • Inclusion of imperturbable tranquility regarding truth

During this session, Rann activates this Immortal Generator & Amplifier while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • Emotional releases

  • Mental release and letting go of thought forms

  • Shortness of breath

  • Increased insights regarding day to day tasks

  • Increased perception of motives regarding self and others

  • Greater acceptance of the truth

*  All Immortal Face Lifts are activated in quantum space, and are not affected by the date of activation.  

It may be played repeatedly at regular or low volume.  

For a list of all Energetic Facelifts and Activations CLICK HERE

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There Are Currently Three Types Of Immortal Face Lifts:

  • Face and Face & Body Lifts activate your body and face to release energies which affect your appearance and behavior in positive ways.

  • Generators & Amplifiers activate a series of fields around your body to shift the ways other perceive you in order to create greater ease in your interactions with the world around you.

  • Infrared Light Masks activate specific frequencies of light in order to address a variety of cosmetic and functional needs and desires for your body without discomfort or expensive equipment.

    Immortal Face Lifts may be activated once or multiple times, as frequently as desired.  

    *Energetic Face Lifts and Activators are not meant to treat medical or dermatological conditions.  If medical conditions - including inflamed or reactive skin - are present, please consult a physician before proceeding with an energetic face lift.


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