The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift: silent session mp3 - Energy Session for Addictions

The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift: silent session mp3 - Energy Session for Addictions


The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift
is the next evolution of the Youthening Face & Body Lift.  This face & body lift liberates energies that have been locked into polarity, and then uses released polar charges to generate a fantastic perpetual energy flow from the inside out.   It deliberately focuses on clearing the urges and behaviors associated with addiction, holding on, and resisting change; and induces a natural release of energies, hormones and chemicals that are ultimately reduced or shut down by harmful foods and substance abuse.     

This Immortal Face Lift is beneficial for anyone seeking to face down addiction and addictive behaviors.

    The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • calibration and release of happiness chemicals and hormones

  • removing obstructions and sabotage systems

  • weight loss and weight gain support

  • calibration and neutralization of drug and/or stress induced chemicals and hormones

  • clearing addictive behaviors and patterns including dependency and co dependency

  • shifting OCD behaviors

  • neutralizing large scale charges and patterns

  • Increasing production of abundant and prosperous energy flows.

    Post session experiences may include:

    •    heightened energy
    •    physical and energetic balance
    •    clearer vision
    •    feeling less stressed
    •    less facial tension
    •    greater personal presence

This digital activation is delivered in silence and is infused with additional high frequency energies coded by The Immortal Rann during the recording of this session.

To view a listing of all Immortal Face Lifts VISIT HERE. 

*For assistance with larger scale addictions, this session is best used as a supplement to a private session with Rann where specific details can be addressed.

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