Energy Centre Activation 13 - mp3

Energy Centre Activation 13 - mp3


  Energy Centre Activations at Oneness Is Everything are coded for what you and your bodies are encountering now.   

     During the coding of these activations, Rann Goldrich was inspired by ancient chakra systems awakening, healing and alignment.  Chakras are an widely accepted, ancient and modern energy system of the body, mind, and spirit. There are a variety of primary and secondary systems, depending on school and modality.  Despite differences there is a common,  unaltered history regarding the existences of these energy centers.  In some ways, activations of this nature may seem to be old school stepping stones to the super highway of big energy work.  It is important for any student to remember and include the basics of any system.  The student of energy is no different. These Energy Centre activations are designed to work in priority according to your current needs.  In this way, the seeker is always on the present path in harmony with the Self.

     Energy Centre Activations at OIE are geared towards setting up congruous relationships with all emanations of your Self throughout existence.  This means that any parallel or dimensional lifetimes with which you coexist are included in each activation.  This will include any number of lifetimes which are affected by certain work or change which you are instituting now.  In this way, these activations can clear lifetimes of residue and unify your energetic centers (such as chakras) for increased capacity and allowance.

    During each Energy Centre Activation at OIE, a primary energy centre will:

Connect with all of your available selves.  

  • Receive cleansing by a variety of methods.

  • Calibrate to your current changes. 

  • Prepare for future changes.

  • Tune with light through methods of sound (such as chromesthesia).

  • Harmonize through tones by 3’s 

  • Reference continuum connections for additional enrichment.

  • Correct and align according to new shifts.

  • Open to increased flows throughout all pathways.

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More about Energy Centre Activations at Oneness Is Everything

    Energy Centre Activations at OIE are coded by Rann Goldrich.  There are 14 in all, numbered 0-13. 
In a group session for 14 people, the same # activation could work on 14 different respective energy centres for each respective individual.

     This energy centre “reassignment” is possible because your body is unique.*  Every body you have ever occupied is also unique, so energy systems for the human body may not apply effectively for one or all of your other non-human bodies.  In order for this activation to facilitate properly, the coding allows for each energy centre to be referenced as it is for your bodies according to your individual energetic identity.  During the activation (or shortly after) you will notice the location in your body which the particular activation is working.  If you cannot sense a physical location, then the activation is likely off body, above or below.
     *In truth, your energy centres are not being reassigned.  They are still located in the same places, and are functioning as they are able.  An Energy Centre activation itself increases the full functionality of its respective energy centre. 

     For these activations, an activation # may be your heart, which in a 7 chakra system (each assigned a color of the rainbow), is labeled the #4 (the green one).  For someone else, the same activation # may be above their crown.  Assigning 0-13 includes various chakra systems and unique energy stations with the addition of an unifying activation.  (The unifier is typically the first [0] or last [13] depending on the individual receiving the activation.)

     Why is this awesome?  Your body doesn’t have to fit into a predetermined system of what it is supposed to be or do.  Bodies love to receive, and with your head out of the way, you the being are more open.  Do an internet search on “chakras and their meanings”, and you may quickly begin to understand all that has been expected of bodies ever since these classification systems were put in place.  If you embodied into this reality from a different system, there may be some resistances in place.  Throw some additional personal choices to initiate change for the better, and your body can begin to work against you- even when its endeavoring on your behalf.  With Energy Centre Activations at OIE, all that is needed from you is the willingness for the activation to take place.  The coding takes care of the rest.  

**These activations can seriously affect motor skills, so it is good to set aside time on a day off or during your down time when you can easily sleep.  The activations themselves are relatively short; however, the integration of the activation on your physical plane can take up to 8 hours or more.

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Energy Centre Activation 3 - mp3

Energy Centre Activation 3 - mp3

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