Dinking for Beauty - mp3

Dinking for Beauty - mp3


Break through expectations of Beauty, and transcend limitations due to predetermined values based on appearances.

This Dinking Session dives into common blockages around accepting beauty and realizations of having beauty.  It blankets a variety of issues connected to beauty such as:

  • Having and not having.  

  • Adding value and lack of self worth.

  • Beauty having an expiration date.  

  • Rejections of representations of beauty.


Dinking is a modality created by Rann for the collapsing of anchor points.  An anchor point is a grand or minute thought form, intention, control point, or creation point.  We use these points to hold space and maintain our realities.  Whenever you outgrow your reality or wish to create something bigger, existing anchor points can cause these things to fail or never come to fruition.  Dinking removes anchor points instantly, creates vast shifts, can be specifically focused, and can be utilized to ease the processing from other healing sessions.  Some popular areas of focus are money, trauma, patterns, fears, gain and loss, resistance to change, sabotage programs, and more.

   Dinking results in

  • large energy releases

  • break throughs

  • freedom from limitation

  • and believe-it-or-not- giggles and fun!

* These sessions are intense and do not require a lot of time in order for big changes to occur.


**This session recording lasts approximately 30 minutes.

**The download of the mp3 file will be made available upon purchase.

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Energy Bath.4 - mp3

Pure Energetic Pampering

Take some time to make some time with a Oneness Is Everything Energy Bath!

What is an Energy Bath?
How many showers or baths have you taken in your lifetime?  What if you took a bath every day without ever cleaning the bath tub?  Would you really consider yourself clean?  Would you be able to enjoy yourself in the bath and feel truly refreshed afterwards?  

Your energy bodies are no different than your bath tub - especially if you consciously work in order to create change for the better in your reality.  How many rings have been left behind in your energetic bath tub?  How much grime is hanging around from all of the times you played in the mud?   ...Are you ready for an energy bath yet?

These energy baths are available as live broadcasts and replay/downloads.  Each energy bath activation has a runtime of approximately 15 minutes and continues running for at least an hour afterwards.   Take advantage of these big, little activations for greater:

  • clarity

  • happiness

  • reduction of stress

  • reset of focus

  • integration of change

  • removal of residual energies

  • personal priority.

Each Energy Bath is unique and includes an infusion of a variety of immortal energies and quantum clearings.  

If you miss the live broadcast, no worries! :)  Oneness Is Everything Energy Baths are activated in quantum space.  Your energy bath is warm, ready, and waiting for you.

This event was on 1.24.18   Check out the Event Calendar Here


  • Cleared the last 2 weeks of general residue and baggage.

  • Cleared energies changed or approached in personal work over the month of January. (any January)

  • Cleared energies pertaining to creations from January manifested throughout the year.

  • Cleared energies from personal work which affected loved ones and pets. (Thank you Maverick)

  • Cleared energies from interactions with others - this includes energies gifted upon others and those received by others. no matter their degree or intent.



see more below


where you can join beings from all over the globe in monthly group sessions facilitated by The Immortal Rann.  

Rann's toolbox will be open, and each Energy Room session will be unique to the energies of the moment. Participants will be able to ask questions and request the facilitation of particular energies before each session.*  

The Energy Room is open on the first Sunday of each month from 10:30 am - 11:30 am MST, and is followed by a 30 minute Energy Lounge, where all participants are welcome to relax and expand in newly revealed energies.

*Call in ID will change monthly and participants will be informed via email (and text where available)

*Specific questions may or may not be addressed due to certain time and topic restraints.


Skinmatics Activation for Fueling Automobiles

Skinmatics is designed to take advantage of actions which are highly regular and expected in one's weekly living.

This Skinmatics Activation is for Fueling your Automobile!  

Simply play the mp3 the morning of or any moment before you go to the fueling station, and your body will know what to do.  Keep in mind, that the higher conscious an environment is for bodies, then the greater benefit of conscious activation for your body.  This means that your choice of experience matters.  So if you're unsure, here are some things to consider:

  • *Which times of day/week have the greatest amount of bodies present or in support of this activity?
  • *Which hours and locations are the safest/most secure?(Feeling secure is important.)
  • *When can you schedule this activity so that you are not rushed?

**Choosing high volume times for this activation is very good.  This Skinmatics activation will take advantage of all energies beneficial to you while others are focusing on their individual schedules.  Please take care to maintain mindfulness during this activity.

Allow your body to receive energy from this activity without concern for the source.  Skinmatics activations cleanse receivable energies on your behalf.

**Each Skinmatics activation download is for individual use.  To be clear, one may use his/her download repeatedly, but a single download does not provide activation for friends, couples or an entire family.  To ensure authentic activation, please ensure that each purchased download is used by the same individual.  
For instance, if this activation is utilized from a personal smartphone, its usage coding will be negated when copied or shared to an electronic device belonging to or used by an other individual.

I've Been Dinked, Companion for Pleasure Button - mp3

I've Been Dinked, Companion for Pleasure Button - mp3

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Dinking for Morphogenetic Fields of Fear - mp3

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